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Code of Conduct

1. The Cyber Resilience Centre for London (“CRCL”) sets certain basic expectations regarding
the conduct of those who work in any capacity for or on behalf of CRCL, and for third parties
which come into contact with CRCL. This policy is supplemented by specific policies relating to
equality of opportunity and bullying and harassment, and is therefore not exhaustive in the
standards and obligations which apply to CRCL.

2. This policy may be updated from time to time and does not form part of any employee’s contract
of employment.

3. Those who work in any capacity for or on behalf of CRCL, or who come into contact with CRCL
in connection with their engagement with CRCL and its partners, will:

3.1. be treated with respect, courtesy, and professionalism;
3.2. act with honesty and integrity;
3.3. demonstrate openness and inclusivity;
3.4. promote diversity;
3.5. not tolerate racism,sexism, or any other form of prejudice or intolerance;
3.6. not engage in unlawful discrimination;
3.7. refrain from engaging in any conduct which could be construed as amounting to harassment,
victimisation or bullying;
3.8. not conduct themselves in a threatening or intimidating manner;
3.9. not use disparaging, ridiculing, offensive or insulting behaviour, language or gestures;
3.10. comply with all applicable laws and regulations;
3.11. work in a collegiate and collaborative manner, where appropriate;
3.12. respect confidential and commercially sensitive information, and will enter into and comply
with any necessary agreements in this regard;
3.13. avoid and, where necessary,report any actual or potential conflict of interest;
3.14. avoid behaving in a way which discredits CRCL or undermines public trust and confidence
in CRCL and/or its activities; and,
3.15. challenge and report any behaviour which does not accord with this Code of Conduct.

4. Any failure to comply with this Code of Conduct will be dealt with in a timely and proportionate
manner, having regard to the severity and impact of any actual, suspected or alleged breach.
Serious or repetitive breaches by persons working for CRCL or on its behalf in any capacity may
constitute gross misconduct and result in disciplinary action in respect of employees, or in the
termination of contractual arrangements in respect of others. Serious or repetitive breaches by
third parties coming into contact with CRCL in connection with CRCL business may result in
the termination of contractual arrangements.